Itsenäiset maisteriohjelmat

Master's Degree Programme in Exact Sciences, Master of Science

2 vuotta
Hakuaika: Joint application January
2 vuotta
Hakuaika: Joint application January

Master's Degree Programme in Exact Sciences, Master of Science

The Master’s Degree Programme in Exact Sciences offers students six specialization fields: Astronomy and Space Physics, Chemistry of Drug Development, Materials Chemistry, Materials Physics, Mathematics and Statistics; and Theoretical Physics.

Students specializing in Astronomy and Space Physics will study various astrophysical phenomena and plasma physics - from Solar systems to neutron stars, to quasars. As a student in this field, you will also get hands-on experience with observational techniques, space instrumentation, numerical methods, and analysis of large data sets.

The Chemistry of Drug Development specialization track provides students with strong knowledge on one or more of the following topics: design and synthesis of new drugs, radiolabelling and enhanced targeting of drugs, or screening, isolation, and modification of new drug candidates from bioactive plants and development of novel analytical methods for drug discovery. In addition, you will learn to master the state-of-the-art methods needed for the full identification of drug molecules and for their quantitation from different types of tissues and metabolite mixtures.

The studies of Materials PhysicsandChemistry will give you the ability to understand and develop the properties of materials from molecules and nanoparticles of metals, magnetic and semiconducting compounds, pharmaceuticals, and biomaterials. After graduation, you will be familiar with the current methodologies, research equipment, and modern numerical methods needed to model the properties of materials used in research and technology.

In the Mathematics and Statistics track it is possible to graduate with mathematics or statistics as the major subject with a broad range of special courses from these fields. Within mathematics, you can even further specialize your studies in mathematics or applied mathematics. In Statistics, the topics of the studies include biometrics, econometrics, computational statistics and data analytics, and theoretical statistics. Upon graduation, you will understand the theoretical development and practical use of the methods and theories of these fields.

InTheoretical physics,you can specialize in various fields at the forefront of European and international research, such as quantum technologies, fundamentals of quantum physics, quantum information and optics, quantum field theory, and cosmology. You will learn rigorous mathematical and numerical methods to model physical phenomena and solve physical problems with several possible interdisciplinary applications outside physics. Examples are the studies of complex systems, data science, and machine learning.

Tuition fees are charged from citizens of a country outside the European Union (EU), the European Economic Area (EEA), or Switzerland. Tuition fees are not charged from citizens of EU/EEA/Switzerland nor from holders of certain residence permit types.

The University of Turku offers scholarships for students who are subject to the tuition fee. Applying for a scholarship is simple: just indicate “yes” to the appropriate question on your online application form for the programme.

Lähde: Opintopolku

Seuraavat toteutukset

Tulossa 1 toteutus


  • Lähiopetus
  • Turku
  • englanti
  • Hakuaika: Joint application January


Joint application period for Master's Programmes in English.

Tutkinto / todistus

Master of Science

Turun yliopisto | University of Turku
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20014 Turun yliopisto

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