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Itsenäiset maisteriohjelmat

Game Design and Development - Computer, Communication and Information Sciences, Master of Science (Technology)

Aalto-yliopisto, paikassa Espoo
2 years
Study allowances
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Application deadline
Application deadline: Separate application period
Delivery method
2 years
Study allowances
Next course start
Application deadline
Application deadline: Separate application period
Delivery method

Game Design and Development - Computer, Communication and Information Sciences, Master of Science (Technology)

Game Design and Development is a multidisciplinary major that offers a unique mix of technical and artistic aspects of game development. The major produces visionary, out-of-the-box thinkers who have the ambition to push the boundaries in the world of game design. Using a project-based, hands-on with minds-on approach, the major in Game Design and Development cultivates a strong community of students from highly diverse backgrounds. Students can apply for the major with any Bachelor’s degree, and accepted students include programmers, 3D artists, animators, creative writers, architects, and even psychologists.

Graduates of the programme will graduate with a Master of Arts (Art and Media) degree. Aalto University School of Science offers a “sibling major” of the same name that leads to a Master of Science (Technology) degree (diplomi-insinööri in Finnish). The M.Sc (Technology) path is recommended for students with a strong technical background, and students should apply according to the academic degree they wish to have. Content-wise the two programmes are similar and organised in close collaboration with one another.

Upon graduating from the Game Design and Development major, graduates will have:

  • Deep understanding of games and game players from a psychological and behavioural viewpoint. Graduates are able to analyse games and determine what makes a game entertaining. They also understand the emotional and cognitive aspects of human beings and know how to design engaging gaming experiences.
  • Wealth of skills and knowledge fueled by the latest research, technologies, and design tools. The “hands-on with minds-on” approach allows students to deepen their existing expertise and build a strong set of cross-disciplinary skills based on their personal interests.
  • Extensive portfolio of games. Graduates will have a portfolio of completed projects, which helps in getting into the games industry.
  • A visionary and groundbreaking mindset to shape the future of games. Graduates have the confidence and experience needed to make their unique vision come to life and bring forth a new generation of games.
  • Capability to take responsibility for various design decisions. Graduates can effectively adjust to unforeseeable and changing situations that may arise during the design and implementation processes.

Lähde: Opintopolku

Seuraavat toteutukset

Tulossa 1 toteutus


  • Lähiopetus
  • Espoo
  • englanti
  • Hakuaika: Separate application period


You can apply through

Tutkinto / todistus

Master of Science (Technology)

Otakaari 1
02150 Espoo


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