Kandi- ja maisteriohjelmat

Science and Engineering - Natural Sciences and Mathematics

Tampereen yliopisto, paikassa Tampere
3+2 vuotta
Hakuaika: Joint application January
3+2 vuotta
Hakuaika: Joint application January

Science and Engineering - Natural Sciences and Mathematics


The Bachelor’s Programme in Science and Engineering is a cross-disciplinary programme that gives you a solid grounding in several core fields of engineering. The major subjects available in the Natural Sciences and Mathematics track are Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, Biomedical Engineering and Materials Science.

The programme equips you with the competence to use scientific methods in your further studies, research or working life and to follow developments in the fields of engineering. By studying in a multicultural group with students from all over the world, you will also acquire strong language, communication and collaboration skills and the ability to operate in a multidisciplinary and international community. Besides providing a strong theoretical foundation for further studies in the fields of engineering, the programme places special emphasis on internationality, employability and connections to the industry. With this unique combination, the programme makes you well-prepared for the international world of research and industry.

When first admitted to the Bachelor’s Programme in Science and Engineering you are granted the right to study towards a Bachelor's degree and a Master's degree at Tampere University. After completing the degree of Bachelor of Science in Technology, you will have multiple options to choose from among the Master’s programmes offered in English at Tampere University.

Study objectives 

During the first year of your Bachelor’s studies, you will attend introductory courses and basic courses in key subjects that are important to all engineering students regardless of their major. These include mathematics, physics, chemistry and languages. You will progress onto major and minor studies in your second and third year. You will choose one major from five possibilities: Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, Biomedical Engineering and Materials Science. Your major will include the Bachelor’s thesis. In addition to your major, you will complete a minor subject module of your choice.

We are committed to investing in new and innovative learning environments and encourage the use of new technological solutions to continuously develop the quality of teaching and learning. The Bachelor’s Programme in Science and Engineering makes use of various teaching methods. Courses often consist of a combination of lectures, seminars, laboratory work, tutorials, group work, assignments, independent study and an examination. Students at Tampere University work both independently and in close collaboration with their fellow students. Besides developing their theoretical and analytical skills, our students learn to work independently, take responsibility for their studies, and become accustomed to communicating and working as part of a multicultural group.

Your eligibility to apply for admission to the different Master's programmes offered by Tampere University is determined based on the major and minor subjects included in your Bachelor’s degree.


Lähde: Opintopolku

Seuraavat toteutukset

Tulossa 1 toteutus


  • Lähiopetus
  • Tampere
  • englanti
  • Hakuaika: Joint application January


Koulutukseen haetaan valtakunnallisessa yhteishaussa osoitteessa opintopolku.fi.

Tutkinto / todistus

Diplomi-insinööri Tekniikan kandidaatti

Tampereen yliopisto
Kalevantie 4
33014 Tampere

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